Wednesday, January 29, 2014

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Dear Uncle Pat

Benita (McGinnis) McCormick
          (1889 - 1984)

Benita McGinnis painted this watercolor rendering of her Irish uncle sometime during her visit with relatives in Ireland in 1913.

Unfortunately, we may never know more about "Dear Uncle Pat," as she titled the painting, except that he was 93 years old at the time.  That would make his birth year either 1919 or 1920.  The likely county would have been Roscommon, where most of the family originated.

Some possible family surnames include Gaffney, Healey, Kelly, McGinnis, and Quinn.

"Dear Uncle Pat"
Watercolor by Benita McGinnis, Ireland, 1913
From her scrapbook


Copyright ©  2014  Linda Huesca Tully

Did you know Benita (McGinnis) McCormick, or are you a member of the McGinnis, Gaffney, Quinn, Kelly, Healey, or McCormick familiesShare your memories and comments below.


  1. You're fortunate to have the watercolor-- of a relative by a relative, doesn't get much better!

    1. So true, Ellie - and it's fascinating to be able to "see" one relative through the eyes of another. Then, to be able to write about both of them with the hope that still other relatives will one day read see those that is nothing short of amazing.

  2. Just wonderful! I hope those other relatives find you and Dear Uncle Pat!

    1. Kathy, thank you. I would so love to know more about Uncle Pat and the other Irish cousins. Someday, just someday, I think I will. For now, I'll just be patient and keep digging for clues!


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